(this is from an email I recently sent to a friend)
Part of my interest is in dynamically-created knowledge, and how technologies today can facilitate that. The connected world that so many are growing up in puts new pieces in the changing effective education puzzle for educators.
Like him or not, John Cage did some interesting stuff. I think there’s an analog with what is going on with education: we have an opportunity to build and orchestrate engaging and effective education with “everyday” things (technologies) that we wouldn’t normally consider. Email. Instant Messaging. Smartphones. Blogs. Wikis. Like Cage with music, we educators need to orchestrate the unpredictable creation of knowledge. In many, many cases, we (educators, faculty, experts, whatever) don’t have the answers, but are there to facilitate and encourage the creative thinking that is already nascent.
That’s my particular spin, anyway. Now I have to run off and write some more of the score….
Steve's Blog
Work interests and fun stuff